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How to solve vacuum suction issues

From handheld to uprights, our vacuum cleaners make the perfect partner in keeping our homes tidy. There are times we may feel the suction isn’t quite right so we have put together the below guide to follow if you are experiencing a suction issue.

Checking For Blockages

Blockages are a common cause of suction issues. This is because they can physically block and prevent suction. The main places to check for blockages are in the main dust container unit itself, any extension hose or tube, and the floor head. This is because these are the parts that dirt will pass when being vacuumed, so it is possible that it may get trapped along the way and create a blockage. With the floor head, we would also recommended checking for any wiring or hair that may have gotten caught in the roller as this can physically stop the floor head from operating.

Cleaning The Filters

With most vacuums, it is recommended to clean the filter and empty the dust container after each use. This is to ensure it is kept clean but also prevent the dirt from becoming stubborn and hard to remove. Usually, there will be a main filter, which may be a HEPA filter, in the dust container of the vacuum where the dirt collects. Some vacuums will have a filter near the motor which dust may collect in. The purpose of these filters is to prevent dirt from getting elsewhere in the vacuum and collects it in a particular area to allow for easy disposal. We would always recommend checking the user guide to confirm that no filters have been forgotten about; some of these filters may be hidden and if not cleaned can create a significant blockage.

Securing Attachments

Another cause of suction issued can be the attachments themselves. This can be due to parts incorrectly fitted. For example, if an extension tube is not tightly fitted and secure. This may result in air escaping when in use and losing the suction. This issue can also occur if there is any damage to these attachments. Even the smallest crack to a part prevents it from being airtight and thus the suction can be lost. In these scenarios, it is best to seek a replacement part to use and restore the suction on the vacuum.

Adjusting Settings and Modes

You may also find that your vacuum has different settings and modes; this information can be found in the user manual. If your vacuum has an ECO setting this will usually have lower suction than the standard mode so you may need to turn this off the get a stronger suction.

If you are using an upright vacuum you may find that you have a pile adjustment setting on the floor head. This allows you to raise or lower the floor head for suitability with different floor types. If you have the incorrect setting for the floor type you are using, this may affect the suction. Try adjusting this setting and changing the height as this can improve the suction strength due to the distance the vacuum has from the floor.

To Summarise

There are different reasons why a vacuum’s suction may change but we can prevent issues by correctly maintaining. We would recommend ensuring that the vacuum is cleaned after each use and care is taken when using accessories to keep them tight and secure on the vacuum.