When your household is full of electronics you might be struggling for plug space and may wish to introduce plug extension leads and adapters to accommodate your needs. These are great for those using multiple devices. You could also consider a 3-way plug adapter if you do not want the cable from the extension lead. The adapters typically have switches to allow you to turn off the power for different devices attached. As these extensions and plugs can have multiple devices connected to them, it is important that we ensure these are used safely.
Avoid plugging leads into one another
When using extension leads, it should be noted that you should avoid plugging extension leads into one another where possible. Extension leads are designed to plug into a mains power source and extend out of this. By plugging the cable into another extension lead can risk causing the plug to overheat.
Keep your cables organised
It is also important to keep your plugs and cables organised. If plug cables are tangled and unorganised, it can risk them being bent at angles and developing kinks. This can be easily prevented by using cable organisers and ties. Not only does this prevent cables from tugging on each other, but it also helps to keep things tidy.
Try not to put on carpet flooring where possible
We recommend avoiding using covering the extension lead with carpet or rugs. This is because having it can risk overheating the cable. Similar, you should avoid putting the extension lead on carpets if possible. If you do choose to use on carpet flooring, we recommend protecting it with a rubber protector strip. This helps to insulate and protects from damage.
Check devices are suitable before plugging in
You should ensure caution is taken when plugging in more powerful devices such as washing machines. Due to the power that these devices require, it is typically recommended to avoid plugging into an extension lead, but plug directly into a mains socket. Alongside this, you should always check the power information for any devices being used in general. Not only does this ensure the appliance is receiving the correct amount of power but also prevents an extension lead from developing an issue.
Do not overloaded the extension
When plugging in devices, you should ensure the extension leads are not overloaded. This can be avoided by checking that the devices plugged in do not exceed the maximum rating of the extension. This information can be found on the packaging information and also on the extension itself.
To summarise, always take caution when using extensions or adapters, ensure you are only plugging in devices that match the power rating, and avoid overloading the plug.