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Add an autumnal touch to your home in a few steps

As we step into autumn and the weather gets colder, a lot of us want our homes to feel cosy and seasonal. If you’re not sure where to begin, then don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article we highlight some simple ways to add an autumnal touch to your home to immerse yourself in the season. 

Greet your guests with an autumn wreath 

Where better to start with the way guests are greeted into the home? You can add an autumn wreath to your door so your guests know you’re ready for the season and it also creates a nice entrance as you step inside for warmth from the autumn weather. 


Spruce your home with pumpkins 

Autumn is often heavily associated with pumpkins. You can introduce some pumpkin décor around the home. For example, small pumpkin candle holders or ornaments are a simple, yet effective, touch. 


Embrace the autumn tones 

You can also create a quick autumn touch with the colours you use. Why not replace some of your summery colours for autumn with reds and oranges to embrace the season? This can be implemented in the colours used for your bedding, throws, cushions, and even things such as tableware. 


Craft a cosy environment 

In autumn, we are all about getting cosy in the colder weather. What better way than to create a cosy environment? You can achieve this by replacing any of your more lightweight summer throws or pillows for chunkier knits and thicker textures. This can keep you warm on the colder days whilst generating a feeling of comfort.  


Boost the autumn aromas 

Autumn is all about the cold weather outside but staying warm indoors. You can create this feeling with the scents in the home, which can easily be done with the use of candles and diffusers. Scents such as cinnamon, pumpkin spice, and spiced apple can give you that seasonal vibe you’re looking for. Remember to use candles and diffusers safely with care, and keep out of reach from children. 

Incorporate nature 

Another simple method to set the season is by incorporating some nature into the home. For example, collecting some pinecones or small twigs as a display piece which can be used in a decorative bowl alongside some shades of orange, yellow, or red. 

Create seasonal inspired crafts 

You don’t always need to go all out when creating an autumnal touch; you can simply create a seasonal craft as a decoration. For example, creating photo frames with a leafy pattern, or making your own print/painting. 


These are just some of the ways to add a touch of autumn to your home. For our highlights on autumnal decorations, click here.