With energy costs being a concern, many of us are looking for ways in the home to reduce energy consumption. We still want to enjoy our technology and luckily there are ways we can continue doing so, whilst also making small changes to reduce the cost. Below we have highlighted advice to save energy when using different games consoles.
Xbox One & Xbox One S
The Xbox One and One S has an Energy Saving mode to amend energy usage. The energy-saving mode requires you to press the Xbox button to power on the console to turn on and can take up to 45 seconds to start up. It prevents automatic updates. However, this setting uses 30 times less energy than instant-on mode.
To turn on energy-saving, use the following steps:
- Press the Xbox button to open the guide.
- Select Profile & system.
- Select Settings.
- Select General.
- Select Power Mode & Start-up.
- Under Power Options, toggle the setting to select ‘energy-saving’.
Xbox Series X
You can also amend the energy-saving mode on Xbox Series X. To enable Energy Save Mode, use the following steps:
- Press the Xbox button to open the guide.
- Select Profile & system.
- Select Settings.
- Select General.
- Select Sleep Mode & Start-up.
- Under the Sleep Mode option, select ‘Energy Saver’.
Playstation 4
The Playstation 4 offers standby settings which automatically turn the console off if the system has remained idle for a certain period of time. To adjust this, try the following:
- Select Settings from the home screen.
- Navigate to Power Save Settings and select.
- Navigate to Set Time Until PS4 Turns Off.
Using this, you can then set the time accordingly.
Playstation 5
The Playstation 5 offers more energy usage settings allowing more control. You can access these settings via the following:
- Open the Settings icon from the home screen.
- Navigate to ‘System’ and select.
- Navigate to ‘Power Saving’ and select.
- In this menu you can choose:
- Set Time Until PS5 Enters Reset Mode
- Set Time Until Controllers Turn Off
- Features Available in Rest Mode.
This also gives the ability to stop the console from connecting to the internet when not in use which does reduce the overall energy consumption.
Nintendo Switch
Generally, the Nintendo Switch does not use that much energy whilst it is in standby. A tip to save a bit of energy is by switching the unit off completely if you will not be using it for a while as this will save its battery power.
Overall, most consoles have settings to give you more control over the energy you use and can help to reduce your energy bill in small ways. For more information about the settings available on your console, please consult your user manual or contact the relevant support team.