Hybrid working can look different to everyone however, whether you are set up in a home office or a desk in your bedroom, you will want to be comfortable. Having a nice desk set-up can help to feel more organised and better your productivity. Here are our tips to improve your work from home office.
#1 – Declutter the area.
The first and easiest thing to do is declutter the desk. Remove any used post-it notes, old note pads or unnecessary objects. You will want the desk to be clean and clutter free for a nice working space.
#2 – Protect your desk with pads and mats.
To keep your setup nice, you need to remember to look after your desk. Do you notice scratches on your desk from your mouse and keyboard? To prevent this, you can add a mouse mat and keyboard pad for your desk to protect from any scratches when using your equipment.
#3 – Get rid of messy cables by going wireless.
An easy way to get your desk tidy from messy cables is by using Bluetooth technology. You can switch to wireless keyboards and mice. These work by plugging a USB receiver to your PC, and it will allow your equipment to communicate wirelessly.
#4 – Elevate your equipment to provide more comfort.
To make more space, use laptop stands and monitor brackets to lift up your equipment. Not only is this beneficial for organising your desk but can provide you with more comfort. To keep things comfortable, position the monitors in front of your body and at eye level. No more hunching over your desk to look down at a laptop when you can raise it closer to your eye level.
#5 – Invest in an office chair for your set up.
Alongside the comfort of the desk, don’t forget the comfort of a good chair. Why not choose an office chair to perfect your home office? We recommend picking a chair that provides comfort and ease when working, such as an adjustable back rest, height, and adjustable arms. To make the best adjustments, try this:
- Sit on your chair and pull towards the desk as close as possible.
- Adjust the arm rests so that your forearms are supported.
- Use the height adjustment lever to lower or raise the chair so that your arm rests are level with the top of the desk.
#6 – Add an extra monitor to make things easier.
For those who like to keep lots of tabs open, an additional monitor can be beneficial. They can be easily connected via a HDMI cable so you can display an extra screen for your work. Alternatively, if you are working from a smaller device, you can use a larger monitor to mirror your work on a larger screen.
#7 – Introduce charging docks for your smart devices.
When working at your desk, you will want to ensure any of your smart devices remain charged. We recommend setting up a charging dock for your phone. You can try a wireless charger, which is a charging station you can sit you phone on when needing to charge without the hassle of putting the cable directly into the phone.
#8 – Listening to music whilst you work? Try a Bluetooth speaker.
If you like a bit of music to help concentrate, you may wish to consider a portable speaker. You can connect these to your phone or laptop via Bluetooth to provide louder volume of better quality. These units can be quite small so can fit nicely on your desk or on a nearby shelf. You can browse our range of speakers here.
#9 – Pick a good headset for meetings.
You should always have a good headset to hand for those important meetings. This is to ensure any information on your meeting remains as confidential as possible. We recommend picking a headset that you find most comfortable and has the best audio quality for you. If your PC has built in Bluetooth, you may wish to consider wireless headphones for this.
#10 – Don’t forget your comforts!
As long as you’re working hard, there is nothing wrong with keeping yourself comfy! Our favourites are getting a thick blanket, a cosy cushion, and a thermal cup to keep your drinks warm.
Overall, there are many small things you can add to your desk to make your setup better to work with.
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