If you’re heading to university, you’re probably thinking about what you need to take with you. This may range from everyday kitchen appliances to cleaning appliances. Whilst it might be tempting to dine out or order a take-away, it’s best to have the appliances you need to make home-cooked meals to if not for your waistline, then definitely for your wallet! In this article we provide a checklist of student-friendly options for your university home.
#1. Kettle.
Having a kettle is a must for the kitchen. Whilst it is commonly used for hot beverages, it is a useful tool for making any instant food. For example, instant noodles. Simple easy almost a no brainer. You can view all of our kettles here.
#2. Toaster.
If you’ve got a busy day of lectures ahead, you’ll need some fuel. A quick and easy breakfast bite is toast, meaning that having a toaster is a must. Obviously the grill on any oven can do much the same to a slice of bread, but a toaster is far quicker and more economical for every day use. Depending on how many of you are living together, you may want to go larger and choose a 4 slice toaster. You can view all of our toasters here.
#3. Handheld vacuum.
Keeping clean and tidy is important for a comfortable living space. Handheld vacuums allow you to do this by getting those hard to reach places all over your accommodation. Being handheld, they are usually small and compact and well suited to accommodation of a smaller footprint. They can also easily be stored away without needing to fit a full sized vacuum anywhere. You can view all of our handheld vacuums here.
#4. Steam generator iron.
Living away from home means you will be solely responsible for your own laundry. I know shocker! This means keeping your shirts crisp and ironed. To do this, we recommend a handy steam generator iron to get great results. You can view all irons and steamers here.
#5. Microwave.
Every kitchen needs a microwave for quickly cooking meals, or reheating yesterday’s pizza. This can save students a great deal of time when preparing for exams or getting ready for a night out. You can view all of our microwaves here.
#6. Coffee maker.
Heading out to a day of busy lectures? Or trying to drag yourself from bed? Then you may want to start the day with a coffee. You can save the cost of high street coffees that build up, by using a coffee machine. Depending on your model, you can pop in your favourite pods and flavours to make the perfect brew. You can view all our coffee machines here.
#7. Desk fan.
Your room can get quite warm, especially with the sunny days we have had in the UK this summer. Having a desk fan can keep the air circulating in your room and provide a cooling effect to help you focus on your work. You can view all of our fans here.
#8. Electric heater.
On the other hand, in the colder months you need something to keep you warm. An electric heater can do a great job of this to keep your room warm. These are useful as they can be small which means they can fit perfectly and not take up too much space. You can view all of our heaters here.
#9. Slow cooker.
If you’ve got a busy day planned, why not try a slow cooker in the kitchen? You can fill it with ingredients to slowly cook your meal throughout the day. The original meal prep may take a few moments, but once it’s cooking you can carry on with your day without the stress of grilling and using the oven. You can view all of our slow cookers here.
#10. Air fryer.
Similarly, an air fryer can be a wonderful addition to your university kitchen. You can cook a variety of meals quickly and experiment with different foods. Why not try learning some unique recipes to impress your housemates? You can view all of our air fryers and fryers here.
We recommend being as prepared as you can be for independent living whilst you study. Creature comforts from home can have a massive impact on general comfort of life and happiness whilst being away from home, usually for many of you for the first time. Of course, your accommodation may already have some of these appliances so we recommend checking first so you can make sure you have everything you need before starting your university adventure.