Energy prices will soon be rising, and this will have an effect on many households financially. We’ve come up with a few simple changes you can make to reduce your energy consumption and help lower costs.
Switching off unused devices
Although manufacturers have vastly improved stand-by modes efficiency in recent times, it is still more energy efficient to switch items off completely. Items like computers effectively use similar power whether they are busy or idle.
Turning down brightness
Turning down screen brightness can have an impact on energy consumption and most devices default factory settings are brighter than necessary for UK homes. If you have the option, switch on Ambient Light Sensor when you are in a dark room as this dramatically reduces power consumption by automatically adjusting the picture contrast.
Technology is becoming more and more energy-efficient, so if you have an older model it might be worth thinking about upgrading to a newer, more efficient model as this could save you money in the long run. Changes like replacing a desk top and monitor set up with a laptop can also reduce energy consumption.
LED lights
LED lights are becoming more popular in homes as they tend to be more stylish, affordable and efficient than halogen bulbs.
Energy Saving Mode
Try changing the viewing settings on your TV to energy-saving mode, this usually dims the backlight which means the power consumption should drop.
It’s worth only plugging in items that are in regular use. Many people have the printer plugged into the same power-strip as their computer, which means it’s on whenever their computer is on. Watch for this, as you are constantly paying for something not in use.
Smart Plugs
Smart Plugs can perform energy-saving tasks like making sure appliances are completely turned off rather than going into stand-by mode, which can lead to big savings on your electricity bills. They are basically adapters that you plug into a power socket, making it easier than ever to switch everyday devices on and off via an app. Smart plugs are equipped with everything from voice control to a timer setting. Shop Smart Plugs at Argos.