We take pride in our gardens as a place we can relax, play games, or socialise. To take care of our gardens, lawn maintenance can be a top priority. We need the best equipment to do this and whilst there are many garden power tools to choose from, the petrol lawn mower remains a classic. In this article we’ve outlined the essential care and maintenance to get the best performance from your petrol lawn mower. Before carrying out any of your maintenance checks, always refer to your user manual.
Filters: Does the filter need to be cleaned or replaced?
Lawn mowers have filters which work by catching excess dirt and debris to stop them from entering the engine or other parts of the unit. Much like a vacuum cleaner, the filter will build up with dirt over time. For lawn mowers, this dirt can be more stubborn and hard to remove. You should check the filter regularly to avoid blockages from building up. For most lawn mowers, you can remove the air filter from the main unit and use warm, soapy water to remove dirt and grease. Rinse the filter under a tap to remove any residue and then allow to dry. When fully dry, it can then be reinserted. This helps to maintain and keep the unit running effectively. If the filter looks worn, you may need to replace this with a new one.
Blades: Do the blades need sharpening?
The lawn mower blades also require attention to get the best performance. When blades become dull or blunt, it can struggle to cut effectively and instead it rips and pulls the grass. Not only does this not look good for the garden, but it can damage and weaken the grass. To sharpen the blades, we recommend using a metal file or specific blade sharpener on the edges of the blades.
Cleaning: Has the mower been cleaned of any grass or debris?
Whilst we generally avoid cutting when the lawn is wet, it is possible for grass to clump up and get stuck to the mower. After mowing, we recommend emptying the collection basket, and also tilting the unit to remove any leftover grass. Of course, ensure the unit is completely powered off and take caution of the blades. By removing this, it prevents any dirt from becoming stubborn and potentially affecting the performance. Further-more removing grass from the underside and wheels is good to do also. Always ensure when cleaning any part of the mower the motor is switched off.
Fuel: Have you checked it’s compatible with your lawn mower?
Ensuring you are using the right fuel for your lawn mower is incredibly important to get the best operation. With new fuel like E10 fuel, you should always check it is compatible and suitable for your lawn mower. This is because fuel with higher ethanol contents can cause corrosion and damage the fuel system. With the cost of fuel and energy increasing, you’ll want to check you have the right fuel to avoid unnecessary purchases. To check the best fuel for your lawn mower, always refer to the user manual.
Fuel Tank: Is there leftover fuel still in the tank?
Did you know you should aim to remove remaining fuel from your tank before considering storing the lawn mower? This is because when the fuel is left to sit in the tank for a long period of time, it can cause damage to the engine and clog the filters. Leaving the fuel in the tank can also be considered a fire hazard, especially if you are putting the lawn mower away for the winter. To avoid this, avoid overfilling your lawn mower and cut a few extra lines if necessary to use up excess fuel.
Storage: Are you storing correctly?
As mentioned above, before storing away ensure the unit is drained of excess fuel. To store effectively, you may need to fold the lawn mower. Depending on your model, you may find the handles collapse to fit into smaller spaces. Any removable parts, such as the grass collection bags, can be put to the side for storage to keep things more organised. The unit should always be kept in a dry shed or garage, avoiding the damp to prevent any possible rust build up. It should also be positioned away from heat sources to prevent any fire safety risks.
By following this advice, you can be sure your lawn mower will have the best performance. If you’re looking for guidance on your electric lawn mower, click here.
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